IR Thermography Services

1. PV Module Thermography

We offer solar thermography by following IEC TS 62446-3:2017(E) standard to identify defects and installation faults like Hot spots, Short-circuits, Loose contacts, Overheated cables and connection sockets in PV modules. Periodic IR Thermal inspection of solar plants are essential because even a hotspot in a single cell of a module have a negative impact on the overall yield of the string. 

2. Building & Cold Storage Thermography

The comprehensive service we offer in building thermography helps you to discover problems in buildings, Cold storages ( wall moisture, mold, cold bridges, warm ingress) or to determine optimization potential (energy consultation) in the buildings and cold storages. We identify the issues in the HVAC ducts, insulation and provide energy-saving possibilities to the customers. Periodic assessment of the facilities is recommended. 

Reports submitted are created a in accordance with DIN EN 13187 standards. 

3. Electrical Thermography

Malfunctions in electrical installations are often preceded by an increase in temperature in the Electrical components and Equipment's, with thermography we identify these anomalies and can plan repairs before costly downtimes occur in electrical installations and IT Data centers. Periodic inspection is recommended once or twice a year as per requirement. 

4. Mechanical Thermography

In mechanical components, heat development is a sure sign of Increasing wear, Lack of lubricant and overload. 

We identify these risk factors with a thermal imager without contact, during the continuing operation from a safe distance. Detailed report is shared with relevant data to the customers ensuring longer life and continuous operation of the machineries and components like boilers, pipelines, furnaces. Inspections are recommended once or twice a year as per requirement. 

5. Thermography for Power Distribution

Thermography in power generation and power distribution is essential to prevent energy distribution systems from malfunctioning due to the far-reaching consequences. Faulty connections on high voltage masts can be critical here. With help of thermography, damage to the components can be detected early, thus preventing the threat of power failures in high-voltage systems. Periodic Inspection is recommended as per the requirement of the installations.

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