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Waking Up Our Leaders To The Effects Of Global Warming

What is it going to take to bring about substantive behavioral change needed to begin to reverse global warming? According to Richard Kaufman, the chairman of Energy and Finance for New York, it will be consumers and investors experiencing a real, quantifiable financial downturn.

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Support For The Environment At The State-Level

Mid-Term Election Results: Hope Remains As Support For The Environment Is Shown At The State-Level As we all know, climate change is a global issue. After the mid-term elections, however, it was discovered that many of the ballot initiatives concerning climate change and environmental issues were rejected by voters across the United States.

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4 Renewable Energy Facts

4 Renewable Energy Facts You Probably Didn’t Know Renewable energy is experiencing growth faster than any other source of energy in the world. Here are 4 renewable energy facts that you probably didn’t know!

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A Fair Solution: Pricing Pollution

Integrating Carbon Pricing Into Society Pricing carbon pollution is one solution to lowering the emissions created from fossil fuel use and encouraging investment in clean energy options. A carbon pricing program brings responsibility to polluters by putting a price tag on greenhouse gas emissions. And, honestly, it makes a lot of sense. Carbon pollution is the biggest contributor to climate change and it’s time there is more incentive to reduce it.

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Renewable Energy & Sustainability News

Water is the most valuable resource on this Earth. Whether or not we realize it, our everyday actions as humans contribute to the pollution of our global water supply. What we put down our drains and flush down the toilet, what we throw on the ground, or even how we wash our cars – all of these activities eventually impact and degrade our global water supply. Fortunately, there are a few ways we can change our habits at the individual level to reduce our impact.